Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sad to hear that

I heard the news at night, after finishing my studying in the study room. My friend told me that the female security in my hostel was fired. I was so shocked to hear that. Because in my impression, she is a very kind and helpful woman and I couldn’t figure out a reason that is legitimate enough to fire her.

When we used our laptops with the wires going across the corridor to reach the plugs, which created a possibility that someone would stumbled and fall if they didn’t notice the wire under their feet. So, every time, when she noticed this, she would come to us to remind that put a chair over the wire in order to draw the passer-by’s attention. I can still remember her words:” you should put a chair here, or your mates would fall, safety first!” Every time she saw the situation, she would come and remind us patiently or just put a chair over the wires herself. See, how careful she is!

And the time to light off in study room is eleven o’clock at night. But sometimes, we needed more time to finish our work. So, she would kindly extend the time limit to let us finish. And sometime if it is impossible for her to give us a longer light, she would allow us to brought our own lamp to the study room. See, how kind she is!

Sometimes students came back to hostel after curfew because some forgivable reasons, she would let them in and not scold them and told them to be punctual next time. I am sure that she knows this is against the law, but I think she just didn’t want to see us being penalized so she made some compromises.

She is so kind a woman but we even didn’t know her name yet. And now she is fired. I really feel very sad about the incident. And if it was these reasons that caused her lay-off, I think it would be unfair for her. Something she did may be a little bit conflicting against the rules, but she just want to create a better environment for us. At least she should be given a chance to correct her “faults”.
At last, I sincerely hope that she would be forgiven and keep doing the job..


  1. I could not agree you more indeed and I feel more than sorry than that.
    She is such a kind person that has brought us that much. I still remebered that once late at night I was making a phone call in the corridle when suddenly she walked towards me. She greeted me gently "Good night" instead of blaming me just as the male security might do.
    We are no relations. But she just gets the magic on how to make us feel close to each other.And that is just what a hall should be like...
    I wonder what we can do for this, but once you have got a idea, tell me, and we can act as a whole...

  2. HI Jacky, this is indeed sad. You made a very poignant point. We remember people who are kind to us, regardless of their position in life. She had made a difference in your life. But I am surprised that after two months you still have not asked for her name. In life we will meet many people, some very important, some not at all, But whoever they are, they have a role to play together with us in our area of work and play - no one is insignificant.
